St. Mary Spiritual Motherhood for Priests Prayer Group
Is God calling you to pray for priests and vocations?
As women, God has given us the gift of a motherly heart, whether we have physical children or not. With Mary, our Mother, we have the unique gift to compassionately see the needs of our Priests, Seminarians and the Church. Spiritual Motherhood is a calling to pray and spiritually support our priests and raise up laborers of the harvest through Eucharistic Adoration, prayer and growth in personal holiness.
Q. What is Spiritual Motherhood?
A. Being a Spiritual Mother is a supernatural way to care for souls, especially priests. It is a type of maternity that nurtures divine life in others by doing God’s will.
- Spiritual Motherhood: Sharing in Mary's Spiritual Maternity. by Fr. Joseph Aytona p.5.
Q. Who can become a Spiritual Mother?
A. Any woman can become a Spiritual Mother regardless of her age, state in life and vocation. “This type of motherhood is not only for mothers of families, but is just as possible for an unmarried girl, a widow or for someone who is ill.”
– Congregation for the Clergy, Eucharistic Adoration for the Sanctification of Priests and Spiritual Maternity, (1st edition), p. 11.
Q. What is St. Mary Parish asking of participants of this group?
A. Pray daily, offer one rosary and one hour of Eucharistic Adoration each week for the intentions of the group and to meet once a month for prayer, adoration and fellowship.
Check the bulletin (which is also available on this website) for meeting dates and times.
Contact Lisa Johnesee at 815-981-0874 or by email at
[email protected] with questions or more information.